11 Verrall ST Riverview QLD, Australia

11 Verrall ST Riverview QLD, Australia
Continually satisfying the automotive markets with the supply of world quality fume extraction systems, lubrication systems and equipment plus a full range of diagnostic testing equipment, to meet the needs of the automotive service professional. VEDCO Industrial Systems are able to call on over 80 years of experience in Industrial markets in supporting the needs of the automotive professional when supplying quality equipment, service and support through our experienced national and international network of distributors.
Given the nature of the work, there is always the risk of severe injury or fatality. Some risks are obvious, such as vehicles falling from hoists or jacks, being hit by a passing vehicle while carrying out roadside work, or tyres exploding during inflation. Other risks are less obvious such as the long-term effects of breathing asbestos fibres or fumes from solvents and automotive paints. While there may be risks associated with this type of work, these risks can be avoided.
Backed by world-leading manufacturers of oil, air and lubrication systems, as well as exhaust and fume extraction systems, VEDCO can provide effective solutions for all your workshop and vehicle maintenance needs.